Welcome on the LPNHE-LHCb group website, |
The LPNHE LHCb team was
created in 2003, and is currently composed of 8 permanent
academic staff (including
CNRS researchers and lecturers
at Pierre and Marie Curie University),
1 research engineer, 3
postdoctoral researchers, and 4 PhD
students. The group works
in several areas of scientific
research, from LHCb detector development to
CP-violation studies and indirect searches
for physics beyond the
Standard Model in b-hadron decays. All of this work is
guided by a common underlying goal: to uncover and understand new physics that resolves puzzles such as the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking, the nature of neutrinos and the origin of their mass, the dominance
of our universe by matter, and the nature of dark matter.
In addition to their work
on LHCb, members of the
LPNHE LHCb group contribute
to local scientific activities
in Paris, and hold various
positions of responsibility in scientific
and academic communities at the national and international level.
K*mumu B-mesons rare decays and search of Lepton Flavor Violation
B-hadrons decays
Upgrade of SciFi tracker
LHCb tracking for the upgrade
ERC grant : RECEPT project ANR grant : ReViSaL project
Current members Former Members since 2012
2017 - PhD Thesis proposal for 2018/2019: